We already discussed liposuction in Thailand procedures such as the tumescent technique and the wet and dry procedures in another post but the wealth of procedures involved in liposuction in Thailand still continues. Similar to the wet technique is the super wet technique which involves the injection of a volume of dilute local anesthesia that is less than half the volume used for the tumescent technique.
A new method of liposuction in Thailand is the use of ultrasound. This involves using ultrasound to help dissolve the fat before then suctioning it out. Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL) requires the use of a large volume of tumescent fluid and uses either a metal probe or metal paddle to deliver ultrasonic energy and heat into subcutaneous fat. Another liposuction technique offered throughliposuction in Thailand is Vaser Liposuction. This is also known as Liposelection and is another alternate technology to traditional liposuction. Vaser ultrasonic liposuction is still a process by which fatty deposits are removed from beneath the skin to improve the aesthetics of a particular body part.
Liposuction in Thailand sometimes does not just involve suction. There may be times when an electric motor or compressed air is used to provide a rapid in and out movement or a spinning rotation of an attached liposuction cannula, this is known as power assisted techniques (PAL). There is also another alternate method of liposuction in Thailand which involves lasers and is known as laser liposuction. This procedure involves the use of tumescent fluid and uses a microcannula inserted through a small incision to deliver laser energy and heat into subcutanteous fat.
There are more liposuction techniques that will be covered in further posts but you can see already that liposuction in Thailand comes in many forms. Liposuction is a safe procedure to have but unfortunately is classed as cosmetic surgery (unless in extreme cases) meaning that you have to pay for the procedure yourself as your medial insurance will not cover it.